
class collada.geometry.Geometry(collada, id, name, sourcebyid, primitives=None, xmlnode=None, double_sided=False)

Bases: collada.common.DaeObject

A class containing the data coming from a COLLADA <geometry> tag

Inheritance diagram of collada.geometry
__init__(collada, id, name, sourcebyid, primitives=None, xmlnode=None, double_sided=False)

Create a geometry instance

  • collada (collada.Collada) – The collada object this geometry belongs to
  • id (str) – A unique string identifier for the geometry
  • name (str) – A text string naming the geometry
  • sourcebyid – A list of collada.source.Source objects or a dictionary mapping source ids to the actual objects
  • primitives (list) – List of primitive objects contained within the geometry. Do not set this argument manually. Instead, create a collada.geometry.Geometry first and then append to primitives with the create* functions.
  • xmlnode – When loaded, the xmlnode it comes from.
  • double_sided (bool) – Whether or not the geometry should be rendered double sided


__init__(collada, id, name, sourcebyid[, ...]) Create a geometry instance
bind(matrix, materialnodebysymbol) Binds this geometry to a transform matrix and material mapping.
createLineSet(indices, inputlist, materialid) Create a set of lines for use in this geometry instance.
createPolylist(indices, vcounts, inputlist, ...) Create a polylist for use with this geometry instance.
createPolygons(indices, inputlist, materialid) Create a polygons for use with this geometry instance.
createTriangleSet(indices, inputlist, materialid) Create a set of triangles for use in this geometry instance.
load(collada, localscope, node)
save() Saves the geometry back to xmlnode
collada = None

The collada.Collada object this geometry belongs to

id = None

The unique string identifier for the geometry

name = None

The text string naming the geometry

double_sided = None

A boolean indicating whether or not the geometry should be rendered double sided

sourceById = None

A dictionary containing collada.source.Source objects indexed by their id.

primitives = None

List of primitives (base type collada.primitive.Primitive) inside this geometry.

xmlnode = None

ElementTree representation of the geometry.

createLineSet(indices, inputlist, materialid)

Create a set of lines for use in this geometry instance.

  • indices (numpy.array) – unshaped numpy array that contains the indices for the inputs referenced in inputlist
  • inputlist (collada.source.InputList) – The inputs for this primitive
  • materialid (str) – A string containing a symbol that will get used to bind this lineset to a material when instantiating into a scene
Return type:


createTriangleSet(indices, inputlist, materialid)

Create a set of triangles for use in this geometry instance.

  • indices (numpy.array) – unshaped numpy array that contains the indices for the inputs referenced in inputlist
  • inputlist (collada.source.InputList) – The inputs for this primitive
  • materialid (str) – A string containing a symbol that will get used to bind this triangleset to a material when instantiating into a scene
Return type:


createPolylist(indices, vcounts, inputlist, materialid)

Create a polylist for use with this geometry instance.

  • indices (numpy.array) – unshaped numpy array that contains the indices for the inputs referenced in inputlist
  • vcounts (numpy.array) – unshaped numpy array that contains the vertex count for each polygon in this polylist
  • inputlist (collada.source.InputList) – The inputs for this primitive
  • materialid (str) – A string containing a symbol that will get used to bind this polylist to a material when instantiating into a scene
Return type:


createPolygons(indices, inputlist, materialid)

Create a polygons for use with this geometry instance.

  • indices (numpy.array) – list of unshaped numpy arrays that each contain the indices for a single polygon
  • inputlist (collada.source.InputList) – The inputs for this primitive
  • materialid (str) – A string containing a symbol that will get used to bind this polygons to a material when instantiating into a scene
Return type:



Saves the geometry back to xmlnode

bind(matrix, materialnodebysymbol)

Binds this geometry to a transform matrix and material mapping. The geometry’s points get transformed by the given matrix and its inputs get mapped to the given materials.

  • matrix (numpy.array) – A 4x4 numpy float matrix
  • materialnodebysymbol (dict) – A dictionary with the material symbols inside the primitive assigned to collada.scene.MaterialNode defined in the scene
Return type:
