
class collada.geometry.BoundGeometry(geom, matrix, materialnodebysymbol)

Bases: object

A geometry bound to a transform matrix and material mapping. This gets created when a geometry is instantiated in a scene. Do not create this manually.

Inheritance diagram of collada.geometry
__init__(geom, matrix, materialnodebysymbol)


__init__(geom, matrix, materialnodebysymbol)
primitives() Returns an iterator that iterates through the primitives in the bound geometry.
matrix = None

The matrix bound to

materialnodebysymbol = None

Dictionary with the material symbols inside the primitive assigned to collada.scene.MaterialNode defined in the scene

original = None

The original collada.geometry.Geometry object this is bound to


Returns an iterator that iterates through the primitives in the bound geometry. Each value returned will be of base type collada.primitive.BoundPrimitive