
collada.scene.Scene The root object for a scene, as defined in a collada <scene> tag
collada.scene.SceneNode Abstract base class for all nodes within a scene.
collada.scene.Node Represents a node object, which is a point on the scene graph, as defined in the collada <node> tag.
collada.scene.NodeNode Represents a node being instantiated in a scene, as defined in the collada <instande_node> tag.
collada.scene.GeometryNode Represents a geometry instance in a scene, as defined in the collada <instance_geometry> tag.
collada.scene.ControllerNode Represents a controller instance in a scene, as defined in the collada <instance_controller> tag.
collada.scene.MaterialNode Represents a material being instantiated in a scene, as defined in the collada <instance_material> tag.
collada.scene.LightNode Represents a light being instantiated in a scene, as defined in the collada <instance_light> tag.
collada.scene.CameraNode Represents a camera being instantiated in a scene, as defined in the collada <instance_camera> tag.
collada.scene.ExtraNode Represents extra information in a scene, as defined in a collada <extra> tag.
collada.scene.Transform Base class for all transformation types
collada.scene.TranslateTransform Contains a translation transformation as defined in the collada <translate> tag.
collada.scene.RotateTransform Contains a rotation transformation as defined in the collada <rotate> tag.
collada.scene.ScaleTransform Contains a scale transformation as defined in the collada <scale> tag.
collada.scene.MatrixTransform Contains a matrix transformation as defined in the collada <matrix> tag.
collada.scene.LookAtTransform Contains a transformation for aiming a camera as defined in the collada <lookat> tag.