
class collada.polylist.Polygon(indices, vertices, normal_indices, normals, texcoord_indices, texcoords, material)

Bases: object

Single polygon representation. Represents a polygon of N points.

__init__(indices, vertices, normal_indices, normals, texcoord_indices, texcoords, material)

A Polygon should not be created manually.


__init__(indices, vertices, normal_indices, ...) A Polygon should not be created manually.
triangles() This triangulates the polygon using a simple fanning method.
vertices = None

A (N, 3) float array containing the points in the polygon.

normals = None

A (N, 3) float array with the normals for points in the polygon. Can be None.

texcoords = None

A tuple where entries are numpy float arrays of size (N, 2) containing the texture coordinates for the points in the polygon for each texture coordinate set. Can be length 0 if there are no texture coordinates.

material = None

If coming from an unbound collada.polylist.Polylist, contains a string with the material symbol. If coming from a bound collada.polylist.BoundPolylist, contains the actual collada.material.Effect the line is bound to.

indices = None

A (N,) int array containing the indices for the vertices of the N points in the polygon.

normal_indices = None

A (N,) int array containing the indices for the normals of the N points in the polygon

texcoord_indices = None

A (N,2) int array with texture coordinate indexes for the texcoords of the N points in the polygon


This triangulates the polygon using a simple fanning method.

Return type:generator of collada.polylist.Polygon