
Main module for collada (pycollada) package.

You will find here class Collada which is the one to use to access collada file, and some exceptions that are raised in case the input file is not what is expected.


collada.Collada This is the main class used to create and load collada documents
collada.common.DaeBrokenRefError Raised when a referenced object is not found in the scope.
collada.common.DaeError General DAE exception.
collada.common.DaeIncompleteError Raised when needed data for an object isn’t there.
collada.common.DaeMalformedError Raised when data is found to be corrupted in some way.
collada.common.DaeObject This class is the abstract interface to all collada objects.
collada.common.DaeUnsupportedError Raised when some unexpectedly unsupported feature is found.