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class collada.scene.SceneNode

Bases: collada.common.DaeObject

Abstract base class for all nodes within a scene.


x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature


load(collada, localscope, node) Load and return a class instance from an XML node.
objects(tipo[, matrix]) Iterate through all objects under this node that match tipo.
save() Put all the data to the internal xml node (xmlnode) so it can be serialized.
objects(tipo, matrix=None)

Iterate through all objects under this node that match tipo. The objects will be bound and transformed via the scene transformations.

  • tipo (str) – A string for the desired object type. This can be one of ‘geometry’, ‘camera’, ‘light’, or ‘controller’.
  • matrix (numpy.matrix) – An optional transformation matrix
Return type:

generator that yields the type specified

static load(collada, localscope, node)

Load and return a class instance from an XML node.

Inspect the data inside node, which must match this class tag and create an instance out of it.

  • collada (collada.Collada) – The collada file object where this object lives
  • localscope (dict) – If there is a local scope where we should look for local ids (sid) this is the dictionary. Otherwise empty dict ({})
  • node – An Element from python’s ElementTree API

Put all the data to the internal xml node (xmlnode) so it can be serialized.